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Benjamin Joseph Wood, Corporal T-5
World War II Photos - page 2

U.S.A.T. Pennant

U.S.A.T. Pennant, the troop ship which transported Benjamin Wood and the 341st Ordnance Depot Company from San Pedro, California, to Townsville, Australia, March 3 through March 24, 1944.
* Thanks to Noel Kerns for finding and providing the photo.

"Official" Shellback card issued to Benjamin Wood in recognition of crossing the equator. (brought home by Benjamin Wood)
March 11, 1944 aboard the U.S.A.T. Pennant.

View of the docks at Townsville, Australia, where Benjamin Wood spent over six months from March 24 to October 3, 1944, before being shipped out to the Philippines.  (Internet photo)

View of downtown Townsville, Australia, about the time Benjamin Wood was there, September, 1944. (Internet photo)

Aerial view of Townsville, Australia, with Camp Armstrong Paddock in distance on far side of nearest mountain., where Benjamin Wood spent over six months from March 24 to October 3, 1944, before being shipped out to the Philippines.  (Internet photo)

A zoomed view with box around Camp Armstrong Paddock, near Townsville, Australia, where Benjamin Wood spent over six months from March 24 to October 3, 1944.  (Internet photo)

The liberty ship J. Maurice Thompson (United States Army Transport - hull #2259) which carried Benjamin Wood and the 341st Ordnance Depot Company from Townsville, Australia (Camp Armstrong's Paddock) to Aitape, New Guinea, October 3 through 11, 1944.  (Internet photo - location/date unknown))

Soldiers (names and unit unknown) posing for photo in front of their newly constructed "day room" named "The Hut - Home of the Tailless Monkeys".  Benjamin Wood helped construct this shelter. (photo brought home by Benjamin Wood)
Aitape, New Guinea, October, 1944

Soldiers of the 341st Ordnance Depot Company posing for photo. (photo brought home by Benjamin Wood)
Believed to be in Aitape, New Guinea, October-December, 1944

Cpl T5  Benjamin J Wood    St. Louis, Missouri                 2nd from left (in back)
1st Sgt Paul D. Vaubel         Huntington Park, California   5th from left (tallest)
SSgt    Warren A. Quimby    Belleview, Michigan               right end
(residences based on 341st records during war)

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